Content marketing effect on customer retention: Using customer engagement as intervening variable

  • Wynne Martivia Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Awisal Fasyni Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Content marketing, customer retention, customer engangement


The goal of this study is to investigate how content marketing, an intervening variable, affects customer engagement and retention at Instagram Coffee Shop Chakovi in Padang City. 200 people who had visited a Chakovi coffee shop in Padang and had viewed Instagram posts as well as made purchases made up the sample for this study. Purposive sampling is the sampling method. SEM analysis was used to analyze this research using SmartPLS software 3.3.9. (1) Content marketing has a favorable and considerable impact on customer retention, according to this study's findings. (2) Customer Engagement is positively and significantly impacted by content marketing. (3) Customer Retention is positively and significantly impacted by customer engagement. (4) Customer Retention is positively and significantly impacted by content marketing due to increased customer engagement.


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Author Biographies

Wynne Martivia, Universitas Negeri Padang

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics

Awisal Fasyni, Universitas Negeri Padang

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite
Martivia, W., & Fasyni, A. (2022). Content marketing effect on customer retention: Using customer engagement as intervening variable. Marketing Management Studies, 2(4), 345-356.