Customer satisfaction acts as a mediator variable in the relationship between customer citizenship behavior and the halal label, pricing, and product quality
This study aims to analyze how the influence of the halal label, price and product quality on customer citizenship behavior with Customer satisfaction as a mediating variable for Wardah Cosmetics customers in Padang City. This research was conducted using a quantitative method. The population in this study are Wardah Cosmetic customers in the city Padang who is Muslim and bought Wardah products in the last 6 months. The research sample is 374 respondents. This study uses a structural equation model (SEM) test with smart PLS software as a data analysis tool. The results of this study found that: (1) Halal Label has a positive influence on Customer Satisfaction. (2) Price has a positive influence on Customer Satisfaction. (3) Product quality has a positive influence on Customer Satisfaction. (4) Product Quality has a positive influence on Price. (5) Customer Satisfaction has a positive influence on Customer Citizenship Behavior
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